
Uno Per Tutti, e Tutti Per Uno

Confratellanza Italo-Canadese


By-laws Constitution of the Confratellanza Italo-Canadese

  1. The name of the Society is “CONFRATELLANZA ITALO CANADESE
  2. The Purposes of this Society are to actively encourage the preservation of the Italian cultural heritage of the Society and its members and to interpret and to provide its purposes and activities for the greater Italian Canadian community. In pursuit of this objective, the Society is empowered to fund approved projects and activities, to pay benefits and render services to its members, and to provide for the visiting of sick members, and may pay benefits and render services to the beneficiaries and dependents of members in the event of death, accident, sickness, disability, or misfortune, but shall not be empowered to pay any benefits or compensation for loss of for damage to property.
  3. The operations of the Society are to be carried out chiefly in the greater Vancouver area, in the Province of British Columbia.
  4. The Society is a fraternal organization.

By-Laws of the Confratellanza Italo-Canadese


  1. Every male born in Italy or of Italian extraction or nationality who is in accord with the aims of the Society is eligible for membership in the Society.
  2. No one is eligible to become a member until he has attained the age of sixteen years and those who have passed their sixtieth years shall not be eligible for membership.
  3. Membership and admission fees shall be as per the Society’s current schedule and may be altered from time to time upon a motion, provided said motion shall receive a favourable vote equal to two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote.
  4. The candidate desiring membership shall fill out and sign an application form which shall state his full name, his age, occupation, place of birth and address, which shall then be signed by two members in good standing.
  5. The application with the appropriate admission fee shall be presented to the Financial Secretary and should the application be refused, the application fee will be returned.
  6. Upon the receipt of the application, the President shall read the application and then the application shall be suspended until the following general meeting at which time a motion may be introduced by the Membership Committee proposing the admission of the member following which the motion will be voted upon by the members in good standing who are present. Should the applicant not receive a two-thirds approval for membership, his application for membership shall be refused.
  7. Should the vote on the application be successful, the applying member shall be notified and he may then at the subsequent meeting appear for the purpose of taking his membership oath.
  8. Should the applicant not appear for the purpose of taking his membership oath for a period of two months from the voting date, he shall lose his admission fee and his application, although accepted, shall be null and void.
  9. Should the Society refuse to accept the applicant for membership, the Society is under no obligation to stipulate the reason therefore.
  10. Each new member shall be given a copy of the Constitution and By-laws of the Society free of charge.
  11. Any member who has allowed his membership to lapse or who has been cancelled from the membership roll and who desires to re-apply, may do so, but the application shall be accompanied with payment for all outstanding dues including the dues owed up to the date the member resigned, allowed his membership to lapse, or was cancelled from the membership roll.
  12. The Corresponding Secretary shall notify each applicant for membership of the acceptance of his application and shall also advise him that he is not eligible for any office in the Society until after six months have expired from the date his membership application was approved.
  13. Members of the Society shall be of three classes:
    a) Effective Members;
    b) Honorary Members; or
    c) Life Members.
  14. Effective members shall be those who pay annual dues and such assessments as may be levied from time to time.
  15. Honorary members shall be those nominated or proposed as such at an ordinary general meeting in recognition of their outstanding service to the Italian community and their application must be approved by two-thirds of votes of members present and in good standing at said meeting.
  16. Life members shall be those members in good standing who have reached their seventieth (70th) birthday.
  17. Honorary members and Life members shall not pay annual dues.
  18. Honorary membership and Life membership previously awarded to members of The Vancouver Italian-Canadian Mutual Aid Society, La Societa’ di Mutuo Soccorso Figli d’Italia, La Societa’ Veneta di Mutuo Soccorso and Circolo Meridionale shall be recognized and maintained by the Society.
  19. Only Life members and Effective members will be entitled to the privileges of the Society and to any advantages and rights under the By-law’s of the Society and, if in good standing, will be entitled to one vote at a meeting of members. Life members will not be entitled to sick benefits from the Society.
  20. It shall be the duty of each member who changes his address to advise the Corresponding Secretary of such change. Should this not be done, the member will accept the consequential responsibilities.
  21. Each member should purchase a social insignia or badge of a pattern to be determined by the Society.
  22. Annual Dues and Assessments:
    a) Each Effective member must pay to the Society annual dues as set out in the then current schedule at or before the November general meeting day provided however that this annual due may be increased depending upon the needs of the Society and by a motion, notice of which has been given to the members of the Society, and provided that such motion carries a majority of two-thirds of the members present and in good standing.
    b) No officer shall receive any compensation for any service rendered to the society in his official capacity, with the exception where compensation, if any, shall be fixed by the members in good standing who may be present at the annual meeting to be held in the month of December of each year.
  23. Rights of Members:
    a) The Society may, subject to the passage of a motion which receives a majority of two-thirds of those present and in good standing, pay to a sick member sick benefits of Seventy-Five ($75.00) Dollars.
  24. Funeral Benefits:
    a) In the event of the death of a member, the Corresponding Secretary may take such measures as he may deem advisable to advise all members of the Society of such death and the funeral arrangements so that members desiring to attend the services may do so. The death of such member shall be duly recorded in a book kept for that purpose by the Recording Secretary.
    b) Should the deceased member reside in the Greater Vancouver Area, all members who are not at work are under a moral obligation to attend at the funeral services and shall be suitably dressed and wear the insignia of the Society.
    c) The Society will pay to the family of the deceased member up to Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars towards funeral expenses and shall send a wreath up to a value of Seventy-Five ($75.00) Dollars.


  1. Any member who is in arrears in the payment of his annual dues for a period of two (2) months:
    a) shall lose all rights to any sick benefits for the duration of his illness or disability;
    b) shall not be entitled to speak to any Resolution at any meeting until he has liquidated the amount owing; and
    c) shall not be entitled to attend any Society sponsored event, such as Member’s Dinners, Christmas Parties, Gentlemen’s Stags, etc. until he has liquidated his amount owing.
  2. The Financial Secretary must advise such member of his indebtedness by a letter in writing. Should the member not liquidate the arrears within a period of six (6) months, he shall then, without further notice, be cancelled from the membership roll.
  3. Any member who violates any of the objects of the Society or any By-law or is guilty of conduct which may be detrimental to the good and welfare of the Society, may be guilty of an offence and may be charged therewith and any suitable cases may be expelled from the Society by a majority vote of those members present and in good standing at any meeting.
  4. Any such member if charged in writing, is entitled to an impartial hearing. The charge shall be in writing and signed by another member of the Society and the charge shall set forth the conduct complained of and the time and place thereof.
  5. Should such a charge be made, the President shall appoint a committee of five (5) members with the approval of the Society to be indicated by a majority vote. The member so charged shall be given a copy of the charge.
  6. The committee aforesaid shall summon the accuser and the member charged as soon as possible at a time and place to be designated and shall investigate the charges and shall thereafter make a report to the Society. The Corresponding Secretary shall then provide a copy of the said findings of such committee to the person charged and if necessary shall advise the person charged to appear at the next meeting of the Society when the matter will be further investigated.
  7. At such meeting should a majority of the members in good standing find the charge to be one of substance, the President shall order a secret ballot in which the members will have the option of voting upon a suspension or cancellation of the member as such.
  8. The members may vote for suspension of the member for any period of time up to but not exceeding one year or may cancel the membership of such member. In either case the vote must receive a two-thirds majority of the members present and in good standing.
  9. The member who may be so charged may be present and make a full answer in defence, but shall retire from the meeting room during the procedure of voting.
  10. If any member so charged avoids service of the written charge upon him, the Society, having ascertained that fact, may proceed in his absence after first being satisfied of the fact that the member is avoiding service.
  11. Should any member with intent wrongfully charge another member, he may be suspended for a period of six (6) months on the basis that he has disturbed the good and welfare of the Society, provided that the same is upon motion and that the members present in good standing so direct by a majority vote.
  12. Should any member so charged leave British Columbia, the Society may proceed in his absence and in that case the Society shall be under no obligation to serve upon him a copy of the written charge or to otherwise notify him.
  13. Should any member so charged be served with process as herein directed to appear either before the committee or at a meeting of the Society and should he refuse or neglect to do so, then the committee or the Society may proceed to deal with the matter, his absence notwithstanding.
  14. Should any member believe that he was unjustly expelled, he has the right to present a further written submission of his reasons within the period of three (3) months from his expulsion, and should the said submissions be found to be of merit after a majority vote of members in good standing at any meeting, he may be reinstated.
  15. Save as aforesaid, any member who has been expelled shall not thereafter be re-admitted to membership.
  16. Any officer who is guilty of similar conduct or who violates the Constitution and/or By-laws is liable to the same discipline as any member.
  17. No member shall interrupt the one who is speaking to a motion or a matter except to arise on a point of order.
  18. No member shall divulge to the public the names of the members of any investigating committee or any of the business matters of the Society and no one shall dishonour the Society in any way by blameworthy conduct.
  19. Any officer who absents himself for three (3) consecutive meetings without leave shall be dismissed from his office. In that event another member shall be elected to complete the balance of said officer’s term by a two-thirds majority vote of members in good standing at the next following general meeting.
  20. Any extenuating circumstances which may be presented in writing shall be duly considered.
  21. Any member who disturbs the conduct of the meeting shall be called to order once by the President and should the offending member not abate his conduct or retire from the meeting, the President may order such member to be ejected.


  1. The annual general meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday of December of each year at 7:30 p.m. Only members in good standing as of the above mentioned time will be eligible to participate in the proceedings and to have voting privileges extended to them at the annual general meeting. All members shall receive a written notice advising as to the time and place of such meeting.
  2. In the event of special meetings, all members shall be advised in writing of the date and place of the meeting and the matter to be discussed there and at each and all such meetings ten members in good standing in the Society shall constitute a quorum. Members in good standing are those not more than two months in arrears with the payment of their annual membership dues.
  3. All members are morally obligated to attend the meeting held in the month of December at which time the new officers will be elected and installed.
  4. All members are also morally obliged to attend the meeting in the month of June at which time the audit shall be presented to the Society.
  5. The President or in his absence the 1st Vice-President or subsequently the 2nd Vice-President shall preside over each meeting and shall call the same to order.
  6. At all meetings the languages to be spoken shall be either the English or Italian language.
  7. All members are entitled to speak at least once on any matter which deals with the good and welfare of the Society.
  8. Each member desiring to speak must stand and ask the President to be heard and in each matter each member must express himself briefly and clearly and deal with the matter under discussion and must at all times be respectful and dignified.
  9. At each meeting all members shall conduct themselves with decorum.
  10. The President will explain each motion, whether made verbally or in writing and shall, before putting any motion to a vote, ask the members present if they understand the motion made and in order to avoid misunderstandings the President shall repeat the motion briefly before putting the motion to vote.
  11. Any motion shall be by a show of hands unless a secret vote be requested and passed by a majority of the members present and in good standing.
  12. Should the vote be a secret vote, it shall be conducted so that each member may vote in complete secrecy and once the voting has started no member shall be entitled to further discuss the motion.
  13. The President shall announce audibly the result of each vote.
  14. All committee members must faithfully discharge the duties of their office in a timely manner and the chief committee member shall present all reports of the committee to the meeting.
  15. A quorum of any committee shall be a majority of the members constituting the said committee.
  16. Any member who refuses to vote must so advise the President before the voting procedure starts.


  1. The elections of the Society’s Executive Board, as defined in paragraph 66 herein, shall take place each year at the annual general meeting. All administrative positions shall be for a term of one (1) year.
  2. The positions open for election shall be those positions outlined in subparagraph 66(a)-(j).
  3. Any candidates for election to the Executive Board shall met the following criteria;
    a) a member in good standing for at least one (1) year; and
    b) shall not, without just cause, have missed three (3) consecutive general meetings of the Society in the past year.
  4. Nominations for position on the Executive Board shall be received by the President prior to the November general meeting, after which time all nominations shall be closed, with the exception of nominations for Directors, which shall be accepted at the annual general meeting.
  5. The administration of the Society shall be composed of the following officers and committees which committees shall be appointed by the Executive Board:
    a) President;
    b) 1st Vice-President;
    c) 2nd Vice-President;
    d) Past-President;
    e) Ten (10) Directors;
    f) Orator-Parliamentarian;
    g) Recording Secretary;
    h) Corresponding Secretary;
    i) Financial Secretary;
    j) Treasurer;
    k) Three Auditors;
    l) Members Welfare Committee;
    m) Feste Committee;
    n) Public Relations Committee;
    o) Membership Committee;
    p) Finance Committee; and
    q) Investment Committee.
  6. The funds of the Society shall consist of contributions, monthly payments, assessments, donations, interest on funds on deposit, profits from dances, banquets and sporting events. The said funds shall be exclusively used for the needs of the Society and the Treasurer is responsible for the deposit of the funds to the Society bank accounts.
  7. All officers who assume office must promise to abide by the Constitution and By-laws and to acquaint themselves with their official duties and to do their utmost to discharge their functions and not to overlook any occasion to promote the good and welfare of the Society.
  8. President. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall execute strict observance to all By-laws and shall see that all other officers and committee members discharge their respective duties. He shall not have a casting or second vote in the event of a tie vote and shall call special meetings when properly requested in all matters dealing with the good and welfare of the Society.
  9. He shall control all discussions so that they deal with the matters in issue and may in an orderly fashion grant the right of speech to any members and shall refuse audience to any member who abuses the right to speak or who speaks in an offensive way.
  10. He shall not permit a member to speak to a motion the second time unless and until all of the members desiring to speak have been heard.
  11. He shall assure himself that before a motion goes to vote all members are familiar with the motion in question.
  12. He may suspend or adjourn a meeting for the purpose of keeping order and shall sign, following approval by the membership, warrants of payment and all other documents requiring his signature.
  13. All votes on any matter except the admission of the members shall be by a show of hands except where any member may request a secret vote and the membership by a majority vote decide to do so.
  14. He shall preside at all ceremonies dealing with the admission of new members and discharge all other duties incumbent upon his office in accordance with these By-laws.
  15. He may appoint committee for various purposes and fix the times and places at which they are to meet and may attend such meetings and upon the expiration of his term for office, is eligible for re-election.
  16. Past-President. The retiring President, although possibly elected to another office shall be entitled to all honours of the office of past-President.
  17. The Past-President shall be an honorary office for a period of one (1) year and the Past-President shall be seated in a seat to the right of the President and shall be an advisor of the Society.
  18. 1st Vice-President. The 1st Vice-President shall be present at all meetings in the absence, death or resignation of the President or at his request, at which times he shall act in his office and stead.
  19. 2nd Vice-President. The 2nd Vice-President shall oversee the Membership Committee.
  20. Orator-Parliamentarian. The Orator-Parliamentarian interprets the law of the Society and shall see that these laws are obeyed and he shall at all times direct the attention of the President to any violation of the By-laws and shall name the member who violates the same. He shall further observe that the proceedings of all meetings are conducted according to accepted parliamentarian rules of procedure. Following the ceremonies of installing the newly elected officers he shall speak on some matter of important dealing with the welfare of the Society.
  21. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall compile all minutes on all matters discussed at each meeting and arrange to have them recorded in both English and Italian.
  22. He shall note the names of members in meetings whose names may be cancelled for cause and note the reasons therefor.
  23. He shall affix the seal, where applicable, to vouchers for payments and minutes after the same have been signed by the President following approval. He shall be the custodian of the following books and documents:
    a) Attendance Record Book;
    b) Minute Book; and
    c) Officer’s Roll.
  24. Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding secretary shall write the approved correspondence of the Society, have custody and retain correspondence of the Society, sign all notices required to be sent to members and mail the same, shall send out all notices in reference to special meetings and advise the membership of the death of any member and the funeral location and dates.
  25. Financial Secretary. The Financial Secretary shall deal with the finances of the Society and he is charged with the responsibility of exacting new members fees and annual dues and is responsible for the entire monies received by the Society at each meeting.
  26. He shall keep the following books:
    a) a book wherein he shall note the name and address of each member, the date of admission, the dues paid, any sick benefits paid to such member and the dates of resignation and cancellation of membership; and
    b) a book recording sick members and in which is recorded the length of the illness and the sick benefits paid.
  27. He shall keep a record of all members in arrears each month and shall notify each member in arrears for two (2) months by registered mail and shall notify such member that if the arrears are not paid out in the succeeding month that such member will be cancelled from the membership roll.
  28. He shall cause to be deducted from the sick benefits payable to any member such amount as such member may owe to the Society and shall enter into a book which shall be known as the Sickness Diary all sums paid to each member for sick benefits and the dates of such payments.
  29. He shall at all times keep a list or be prepared to advise the membership at any meetings as to what members are in good standing.
  30. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive at the conclusion of each meeting all incoming monies from the Financial Secretary give a receipt therefor, ensure that all monies received from whatever source are deposited to the Society’s bank and further ensure that payments are not made from receipts of monies.
  31. He shall enter into a ledger all incoming and outgoing funds, segregating those funds earmarked for the various purposes of the Society.
  32. He shall give a financial report upon the incoming and outgoing funds and the general balance to the Society as of the day of the last meeting.
  33. He shall pay all vouchers bearing the seal of the Society, where applicable, if the same bear the signature of the President and Financial Secretary.
  34. He shall deposit all funds in a bank to be designated by the Society by way of resolution.
  35. If required he shall furnish a bond within thirty (30) days from the date he assumes office conditioned upon the true and honest discharge of his duties of office.
  36. He shall see that no funds are paid out from the bank without a written order signed by the President and Financial Secretary.
  37. He shall keep the following books:
    a) Ledger wherein is noted all incoming and outgoing funds which he shall balance before the conclusion of each meeting so that he might at that meeting report the financial standing of the Society;
    b) Receipt Book wherein all incoming funds shall be noted; and
    c) Disbursement Book wherein all monies paid out shall be noted.
  38. Auditors. Three Auditors shall be appointed whose duties shall be as hereinafter noted.
  39. Members Welfare Committee. The Members Welfare Committee shall be composed of three members who shall elect a chairman. It will be the duty of members to visit sick members and to request from the Financial Secretary orders for payment of sick benefits and to advise the membership of the illness, recovery or death of any member.
  40. Members of the Members Welfare Committee must visit all sick members and inform the Financial Secretary if a member is in good standing and shall note the date of the medical certificates and shall ascertain the dates for which any sick member may be entitled to benefits.
  41. The chairman may delegate any members of his committee to visit sick members who in turn shall report.
  42. Feste Committee. The President shall appoint a chairman for recreational activity who in turn shall organize a suitable committee to organize picnics, dances, banquets and sports activities which may be held by the Society, each of whom shall be entitled to be present at such functions free of charge.
  43. Public Relations Committee. The Public Relations Committee shall consist of two (2) members appointed by the President who shall attend to all newspaper and other publicity and in general who shall discharge such duties as the President may assign to them.
  44. The President may appoint two members who will prepare the assembly rooms for each meeting and who shall have custody of all official regalia, society flags, and who shall have the same available when required and who shall discharge any duties in relation to such matters as may be directed by the President.
  45. Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President, one of which shall be the 2nd Vice-President.
  46. The Membership Committees’ duties shall be a periodic review of the membership, updating and circulating membership rosters, undertaking membership drives and screening all new applications for memberships to the Society.
  47. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall prepare the Society’s yearly budget for recommendation to the Executive for approval.
  48. They receive and review all requests for expenditures, other than the Society’s regular obligations, and donations from the Society and thereafter make recommendations to the Executive.
  49. Investment Committee. The Investment Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive for the investment of all the funds of the Society.
  50. Special Committee. From time to time, the President may appoint such Special Committees as may be necessary for the operations of the Society.
  51. Directors. There shall be elected ten (10) members who shall be known as the Directors who shall be responsible for the welfare of the Society at all times and must see that the general administration of the Society is well conducted.
  52. At the termination of the yearly period of office each officer shall return to the succeeding officer such funds or Society property which may have been entrusted to them during their period of office.
  53. Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Past-President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and all Directors.
  54. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held monthly at such time and place as they shall determine.
  55. Special meetings of the Executive Board shall be held when called by the President, or when requested by five (5) or more members of the Executive Board, at such time and place as the President shall determine.
  56. The presence in person of a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Board. Except as otherwise noted specifically herein, the act of a majority of the Executive Board present at any meeting of the Executive Board shall be the act and decision of the entire Executive Board.
  57. In addition to those duties and powers expressly set forth elsewhere in this Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Board shall have the following duties and powers:
    a) they shall authorize all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the current income of the Society, nor authorize dispersal of Society funds for purposes inconsistent with the business and policy authorized by the Society membership; and
    b) they shall have the power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of the Society.


  1. No funds shall be borrowed for and on behalf of the Society unless pursuant to a resolution passed by the members of the Society at any meeting held by the Society and then only in accordance with the terms set out in that resolution.


  1. Three Auditors, who shall be members of the Society, shall be appointed each year following the annual general meeting and they shall, for the ensuing year, have the general supervision of the funds and property of the Society.
  2. They shall satisfy themselves as to the terms of any bond which may be required to be posted by the Treasurer.
  3. They may at any time at any meeting inspect all books kept by the officers of the Society and the bank accounts and shall recommend to the Board of Directors that an annual audit of the Society’s books, accountants and operations be conducted by independent outside auditors in February of each year and shall thereafter present the audited statement to the Society in June of each year.


  1. The Recording Secretary shall be the custodian of the Seal of the Society which he may use only pursuant to the terms of any resolution authorizing him to do so.


  1. The Society’s Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Society, in which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of 75% of the members in good standing present in person and voting, provided the Board of Directors has previously considered the merits of the amendments.
  2. No amendment should be put to a vote, unless written notice thereof, stating the proposed amendment, shall have been mailed or delivered personally to each members of the Society at least two weeks prior to the meeting in which the vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.


  1. Preparation and custody of minutes of proceedings of meetings of the Society and other books and records of the Society shall be as hereinbefore stipulated.


  1. Books and records of the Society may be inspected by any member at any meeting of the Society.


  1. On the winding-up and dissolution of the Society, the assets shall not be distributed among the members.
  2. After all debts have been paid or provision for payments has been made, the transfer and delivery of the assets remaining shall be donated equally to the Children’s Hospital in Vancouver and the Sunny Hill Hospital for Children in Vancouver.


  1. The Society may once or more during any year hold a picnic, a dance, a banquet or a sports event.
  2. The dates for such recreational activities shall be fixed from time to time. However, a banquet shall be held by the Society on Columbus Day of each year.
  3. All receipts from such recreational activities shall be recorded separately in the books of the Society.
  4. The funds of the Society shall be divided and placed into the following accounts:
    a) a Savings Account;
    b) a Current Account;
    c) a Term Account.
  5. All funds not immediately required for current administrative expenses shall be deposited in the Savings Account or Term Account. Those required for current administrative use shall be deposited in the Current Account.
  6. All of the said funds shall be deposited in a chartered bank to the credit of the Society in accounts designated as aforesaid.
  7. No funds shall be expended from the bank accounts unless by a cheque signed by the President and Financial Secretary or the Treasurer and then only after the approval of a majority of the members at any meeting.
  8. The members of the Society should visit the cemetery plots of the Society once yearly to commemorate the dead members of the Society.
  9. The Ladies’ Auxiliary is an affiliate of the Society. Its scope shall be limited to the wives and daughters of members and others who may desire to attend. The function of the Auxiliary shall be to promote the various social activities of the Society.
  10. The only benefit to which the members of the Ladies Auxiliary may be entitled from the Society is a wreath to be arranged for on the death of a member.
  11. Each applicant for membership whose application is accepted shall take the following oath:
    “I________________, swear on my honour as a gentleman and as a citizen to respect the objects for which this Society is formed and its By-laws and to fulfill all of my duties as a member with the sole purpose in mind of promoting the welfare of the Society and of all my fellow members.”
  12. The Society shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office.
  13. No officer or member of the Society shall use their membership as a means of furthering any personal, political or other aspiration, nor shall the Society, as a whole, take part in any movement not in keeping with the Society’s purposes and objects.
  14. Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, all questions of order or procedure with respect to any meeting or action of the Society, the Board of Directors or any committee appointed hereunder shall be determined in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, as revised from time to time.